
The New England College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine is a not-for-profit regional component society of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

The mission of the New England College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine is to support the optimal health and safety of workers and workplace environments through educating our members and other health care professionals, encouraging research, workplace safety, and high quality practice, guiding public policy, and promoting the specialty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

Target Audience

Educational activities of NECOEM are specifically designed for physicians who practice occupational and environmental medicine either on a full-time or part-time basis.  Physicians and students who are contemplating entry into this field may also attend.  A secondary, but important target audience, is non-physician health care professionals and professionals from other disciplines relevant to preventing and addressing occupational and environmental health problems.  Recipients of outreach educational activities are those with little or no knowledge of this field.

Overall Goal

The overall goal of NECOEM educational activities is to address occupational and environmental medicine training needs within the New England region, to develop clear objectives for meeting those needs, to design sound educational programs based on those objectives, to deliver those programs in a variety of formats, to evaluate those programs, and to use such evaluations in planning future events.


Scope of Activities


The scope of NECOEM educational activities will include, but not be limited to, conferences, postgraduate seminars, scientific sessions, free-standing courses, dinner meetings, newsletters and maintaining an updated website.