[cs_csl_carousel max_visible_items=”1″ make_responsive=”false” auto_play=”true” auto_play_speed=”5″ loop=”false” auto_valign=”false” pause_hover=”false” pagination_type=”prev_next” slide_by=”page”][cs_csl_carousel_item heading=”Carousel Item 1″]“Thank you again for the poster scholarship and the opportunity to present my research work at NECOEM. It was a very well organized conference meeting. The speakers were wonderful.”

Nancy Ngol Giao Ly, MD
Occupational Medicine Resident PGY3
University of Cincinnati
[/cs_csl_carousel_item][cs_csl_carousel_item heading=”Carousel Item 2″]“This is the best regional conference in the country. I love that the conference combines nurses and doctors.”

Charles Woodworth, Northwestern Medicine
[/cs_csl_carousel_item][cs_csl_carousel_item heading=”Carousel Item 3″]“Always a top knotch meeting. My favorite! Content, attention, amenities make it a notch above other meetings.”

Joseph Pachman, MD
Liberty Mutual

[/cs_csl_carousel_item][cs_csl_carousel_item heading=”Carousel Item 4″]“I can’t miss this conference due to the quality of speakers, practicality of topics to the real world.”

Peggy Geimer, MD
[/cs_csl_carousel_item][cs_csl_carousel_item heading=”Carousel Item 5″]“This year’s conference provided a wonderful opportunity to meet people who truly care about employees and health improvements to employers and wellness providers.”

Denise Dumont-Bernie
OMC Wellness Works
[/cs_csl_carousel_item][cs_csl_carousel_item heading=”Carousel Item 6″]“Educational, great knowledge, great inspiration to go back and try new approaches that I’ve learned. Valuable information.”

Norma Lavoie, RN
[/cs_csl_carousel_item][cs_csl_carousel_item heading=”Carousel Item 7″]“Amazing conference! I am a first-time attendee. Very informative, everyone very helpful and friendly.”

Kellie Murphy, RN
Bath Iron Works