
Message from David Christiani about the 2021 Annual Conference


Improving Care of your Workforce through Collaboration with Emergency Departments and Primary Care

Pros and Cons of Mandating COVID-19 Vaccine

Commercial Driver Medical Examinations; What’s New. What’s Pending and What’s Confusing?

Resilience in the American Work Force

Obesity Why It Matters to Your Organization and How You Can Take Action

Culinary Medicine and the Workforce:  Cooking Demonstration with Celebrity Guest Chef Tiffany Derry

Arsenic in our Food Supply: Updates on Health Effects, Policy and Regulatory Changes

From the Office to the Dining Room Table: Ergonomics for the Post-Pandemic Era

Confronted by Covid in our Workforce


Femoroacetabular Impingement and Updates in Hip Arthroscopy

The Best Way to Predict the Future is Create It: Climate Change, Climate Action, and Health in the 21st century

The New (old) Frontier of Telemedicine: Yes, It Can Even Be Just Your Father’s Telephone

Obesity and Covid-19: a Syndemic in Need of Effective Treatment

Following the Efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccination in a Healthcare Worker

Environmental Noise Pollution & Tobin Bridge Mitigation

Returning to the Friendly Skies – Post-COVID Flight Clearance for FAA



The information provided on NECOEM.org is designed to support, not to replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her physician.